Collaborative musical workshop on tactile table

Within the framework of the subject NF28 from the Université de technologie de Compiègne, which deals with the engineering of the interactive systems, we wished to realize a musical application for tactile tables. We wanted to give to the users a musical workshop with the possibility to play several virtual instruments at the same time and then collaborating in the musical creation.

Around the table, the users can place themself on some platforms offered by ou application:
  • 4 musician platforms, where we can instantiate a chords instrument, a keys or a drums instrument.
  • 1 platform conductor where the user can handle global parameters of the musical application as the scale on which musicians are playing and the instantiation of a metronome. Those parameters aim to harmonise the musician within each other. The conductor also has the possibility to change the sound associated to the instruments. For example, a chords instrument can emit a guitar sound or an alto sound.
The users are then led to collaborate to create in a harmonious way.


Our application aims to be the more intuitive possible. It's all public and needs no tutorial or specific knowledge of the tactile table to be used.


Our application aims to be fun. It would be appreciate either from children or adults.


The application offers several musical functionalities: several kinds of instruments, sounds, scales, a metronome... the use of those instruments whish to be the closest to the real instruments.


Each user has his role and the collaboration is important to enjoy every functionnaly of the Musicollab application.

Technology we used
The project was developed to be set on a TATIN table (tactile table). We used Visual Studio with the framework WPF (C#, XAML) and the library Ubicore developed by the society Ubikey.


Interactive table & board for collaborative engineering design

Visual Studio

C# is and object oriented language developed by Microsoft since 2002. Visual Studio is a development environment also developed by Microsoft.


Windows Presentation Foundation is the graphic specification of Microsoft .NET 3.0. it includes the descriptive language XAML.


Ubicore is a library based on the WPF framework and developed by the society Ubikey.


Ubikey is a society that develops packages concieved to increase the cognitive capacities individual and collective.

If you want to know more about it...
Link to the report

pdf report
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