About me

Since september 2021, I am an associate professor at Ecole Centrale de Nantes.  I am since september 2023 part of LS2N laboratory in PACCE team, and before that I was a member of  AAU laboratory (Ambiances, Architectures, Urbanités) in team CRENAU. I am also an external member of Hybrid team at Inria Rennes.

Before that, I  worked for 6 months as a Post-Doc Researcher from January 2021 to july 2021, at Trinity College Dublin on the RADICal project led by Rachel McDonnell as the principal investigator. The project took place in the context of on-set VR pre-visualisation for the entertainment industry  and aimed to improve performances from actors playing the role of virtual characters.

Before I was a PhD student for three years in the field of Virtual Reality working in both Hybrid and Mimetic teams of Inria Rennes research center. The PhD was directed by Anatole Lécuyer who leads the Hybrid team that focuses on the thematics of “Perception, Cognition and Interaction”. The thesis was also co-supervised by Ferran Argelaguet from Hybrid team and by Ludovic Hoyet from Mimetic team, which axes of research are Motion Analysis, Autonomous virtual humans, and Physical activity in virtual reality. I successfully defended my thesis titled « Contribution to the Study of Factors Influencing the Sense of Embodiment Towards Avatars in Virtual Reality » the 4/11/2020. The jury was composed of Guillaume Moreau, Ronan Boulic, Catherine Pelachaud, Victoria Interrante, Mel Slater as well as my thesis supervisors.

Before I studied at Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, where I completed the bachelor’s and master’s program in Computer Science. I also did an exchange semester at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain, during my Bachelor and another semester at the TU Berlin, Germany during my Master.

My research focuses on avatar embodiment in virtual reality.

This website recounts the projects I have worked on during my Post-Doc and PhD and the corresponding publications, as well as projects that were part of my master and some personal painting works.

To contact me:

Mail:  rebecca [dot] fribourg [at] ec-nantes [dot] fr