National projects

PACAP – Prospecting Avatar Capacity to Convey urban Ambiance Perception
Funding: ANR JCJC. Role: Principal Investigator. Start: March 2024.
Summary: While promising, the use of Virtual Reality to immerse users in urban spaces often fails at providing users with realistic ambiance and space perception, as they are often still images or models without “real” life. The overall objective of this project is therefore to bring “life” to virtual urban spaces to improve urban ambiance perception. For the first time, we tackle this issue from the standpoint of avatar embodiment and its capacity to convey urban ambiance perception with an interdisciplinary approach. We will explore methods to achieve strong avatar embodiment in large urban virtual environments, evaluate how modulating avatars’ appearance can elicit the perception of specific urban ambiances and study the impact of other virtual avatars or little groups of agents on the perception of urban ambiance. The expected outcome of this project is a breakthrough in the creation of urban VEs where avatars and agents contribute to the elicitation of urban ambiance. More info on the website.

ASTRAL – Augmented Self: TowaRds effective Avatars in augmented reaLity
Funding: ANR PRCE. Role: Collaborator. Start: March 2024.
Summary: The project aims to explore the potential of augmented reality (AR) avatars, ranging from physical rehabilitation to enhancing sports performance. It focuses on three main areas: technology, interaction and the perception of avatars. The work will overcome the technical challenges associated with displaying avatars in AR, focusing on two types of device: Video See-Through and Optical See-Through displays. In parallel, the project explores the psychological and social implications of using avatars in AR, assessing their impact on users’ self-perception, self-confidence and performance. More info on the website.
Regional projects
Project “PAPA – Prospection sur les Avatars et leur influence sur la Perception de l’Ambiance urbaine”.
Funding: PULSAR – Académie des jeunes chercheurs en Pays de la Loire. Role: Principal Investigator.